Attendance » Reporting Absences

Reporting Absences


Attendance Policy and Guidelines

In Fountain Valley School District, student success starts with consistent attendance. To help your child excel at school, ensure they attend at least 96% of the school year—that’s a maximum of 8 absences during a 180-day school year. Missing just one day per month can put your child at a disadvantage compared to peers who are consistently present.

Reporting an Absence

If your child will be absent, notify the school promptly using one of the following methods:

Be sure to include the following information when reporting an absence:

  • Child’s Name
  • Teacher’s Name
  • Date of Absence
  • Reason for Absence
  • Name of Person Providing Information and Relationship to the Child

Important Notes

  • Absences must be reported within two days of a child's absence.
  • Absences without a parent notification or written excuse are recorded as unexcused.
  • To have absences for religious holidays excused, they must be reported before the date of the absence.
  • If you want homework, please email the teacher directly. Refer to the Staff Directory for teacher emails.