General Information
School Website: https://
District Website:
School Phone #: (714) 375-6226
Office Email: [email protected]
Principal: Chris Mullin
School Office Manager: Cheryl Hall
Office Assistant: Kim Cooper
Health Aide: Grace Hile
Office Hours 7:30 am - 3:30 pm
Absences: When your child is absent from school, please email the school office each day of absence(s) no later than10:00 am. Please include: child's name, teacher's name, date of absence, reason for absence and relationship to child. Please do not send your child to school when he/she is ill. Children should be kept home 24 hours after a fever goes down without medication or vomiting.
Arrival and Dismissal: Please be courteous, patient and cautious when dropping-off or picking-up your student(s) at Tamura. Please be aware of the pedestrian cross walk in front of the school. Do NOT park in bus loading area. If you drive into the parking lot for drop-off, drivers need to STAY in their cars and have students exit the car on the sidewalk side only. Please expedite quickly so that all students can get to school on time. Safety is a priority, please be aware & be kind!
Attendance: Please ensure your child arrives at school on time every day. Tardiness is a disruption to the classroom and to learning. Late arrivals must check in to the office with a parent to get a tardy slip before going to class. If your child is absent, please report the reason for your child’s absence each day by emailing [email protected] by 9:00 am. Automated messages will be sent out on any unverified absences. Please verify your child's absence within 48 hours. You MUST respond to any absence message for your students’ absence to be cleared-up according to Ed. Code state guidelines.
Bike Riding: Students in grades 3-5 riding bikes to school must wear a helmet and lock their bike in the designated racks. There is no bike riding allowed on school grounds. The school is not responsible for damages or stolen bikes. No other vehicles may be brought to school including: roller blades, skateboards, scooters, etc.
Breakfast/lunch: Breakfast and lunch are available to all students. Breakfast will be served at recess. For further information, please contact the food service department directly at 714.843-3242 or email [email protected]. Lunch menus website:
Campus Times: Students are allowed to be on campus 15 minutes before the start of the school day at 7:45 a.m.. There is NO supervision prior to that time. At 7:45 am, students may walk through their grade level gates and line up at their classroom area. Primary students are dismissed at 1:45 and must leave campus. 3rd through 5th grade classes are still in session and the campus is closed. Secondary students are dismissed at 2:25.
Closed Campus: All schools in the FVSD have a closed campus policy. Any persons coming to campus must check-in at the office and obtain proper clearance for being on campus. No exceptions.
Early Check-outs: If you need to take your child out of school before dismissal time, please come to the office with a photo id. If at all possible, Thursdays are perfect days for appointments being modified days. Dismissal on Thursday is at 12:33 pm or 12:35 pm. Only persons listed as emergency contacts can sign out your student. Please do not call ahead, we will call the classroom when you arrive at the office. Avoid recess and lunch times (please refer to the bell schedule).
ESP students: Parents, it is YOUR responsibility to notify the ESP office if your student will not be going to ESP after school. ESP has a ‘finders fee’ they will charge you if your student does not show up at ESP as expected.
Forgotten Items: Students in grades 1-5 can check the cart in the bowl during recess or lunch for forgotten items.
Late Pick-ups: Please be prompt in picking-up your student at dismissal times. Students on different schedules may not wait for siblings. There is no after school supervision. If you are late to pick-up your child, you must go to the office and sign out your student. Only those listed on your student’s emergency card can sign out a student. Repeat offenders will result in documented, disciplinary action.
Lost and Found: Lost and Found is located at the entrance of the school building. Careful labeling with your child's name will help return lost items.
Medications at School: California Ed. Code allows school personnel to administer prescription medication only if we have the proper district forms signed by referring doctor and parent. All prescription medications must be brought to the Health Aide by the parent. Contact our Health Aide or office staff with any questions.
Modified Schedule: Every Thursday, students are dismissed at 12:33 pm or 12:35 pm.
Personal Messages: Please do not ask the office to relay messages to students unless it is an emergency.
Phones and Digital Watches: Students may possess cell phones and smart watches, but they must be turned off/silent and kept in their backpacks during school as academic instruction is our focus during the school day. (Tamura is not responsible for any lost or damaged cell phones or watches.)
School Office Phone: The office phone is to be used for business and emergency purposes only.
Visitor & Parent Volunteers: All schools in the FVSD have the "Raptor" security visitor kiosk. The system allows us to quickly and efficiently log all of our visitors and volunteers who visit our campus daily. All persons are required to scan their driver's license/ID card upon arrival and departing campus during school hours. Once scanned, a visitor's badge will be printed in the front office.
School Website:
School Email: [email protected]
Student Absence Reporting: [email protected]
School Staff Email: LAST Name, FIRST Initial @ (Example: [email protected])
FVSD Website:
Aeries Parent Portal:
Peachjar Flyers
PTA website: